Monday, March 19, 2012

Fujiko and tales of fancy bedlinen

I am no textbook romantic,however I do appreciate the odd romantic gesture every now and then. I enjoy being surprised by a packet of skittles, I also love fresh flowers, but it's hard for me to sit and look longingly into someone's eyes. With cats, now that's a different story. Instead I opt to commission embroidered dowry items my family all but forgot to save up for. In truth, any excuse is a valid excuse to have something made by Sarah of The Secret Rose come my way! These pillowcases were commissioned and finished a while back and my initial plan was to find some contrasting material to create a stiff backing for them. However no material I came across was particularly exciting or even up to par with the embroidered side so I opted for the same light blue linen (yes.. I crossed fingers all the way to the textile shop hoping they hadn't run out!)

I have not yet formally introduced Fujiko to my blog, have I? .. so here goes.. my new dummy Fujiko, a birthday gift from a lovely curly-haired friend in a flattering screen-printed apron by Alexandra of Fujiko is one luck girl.. first week in and she has been showered with gifts!

see what I mean.. she also got to try on this lovely silk dress before me.. Thanks Lara [Hey Birdie-pie!].. you just sorted out my summer wardrobe for good.. this is so light and airy I suspect it'll be difficult for me to go out in anything else come summer.

sun is shining and we're busier than ever!

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